Spinorial: And that'll do them in. Already they've had to close down a number of stores up here, that should continue as Amazon et al grab bigger chunks of their market.
langurmonkey: Hopefully that will make BB wake up and realize refusing to give your customers what they purchased is going to hurt their future and become a more responsible and honest business...
I don't think it's fair to rip into Best Buy for this. It's clear someone made a huge, huge error. This isn't case of "bait and switch" or refusing to honor a legitimate deal, someone made a mistake in putting in the price, or else their system glitched. The company's going through a lot of financial difficulty, and it's understandable they don't want to take about a $50 loss on selling each of these games, since they're struggling to stay afloat. Even if they weren't, again, this isn't $5 or $10 or $20 price difference, this is borderline giving the game away for free, and businesses are in business to make a profit, not to practically give away brand new stock for free.