Psyringe: I'm honestly not sure if I ever did.
Usually, when I suffered some enraging defeat, I just try again immediately and look for ways to improve. My reasoning is that my current skill level for this particular task is higher than it would be when I waited a while, so it's better to try again immediately, perhaps from a new angle if it continues to fail.
When I do quit a game, I usually don't feel rage, it's more disappointment, as in "*sigh* I guess I won't make this no matter how hard I try", or "I'm not enjoying this any more, I'll do something else instead."
Interesting, I found I think completely opposite. The more I try the more often I fail if I found a hard challenge so rationally would be to take a break as if I do I know I'll find a different almost immediately but somestimes it bothers me that I have to wait so I try some more then I become frustrated and give up for a while, not actually rage quitting. After I come back most of the time I beat the challenge quite quickly and usually with a solution that I had no idea about the first time. Also because of this or some other reason I rather feel disappointment and relief rather than relief and satisfaction that I reached a new goal, mainly because I sometimes value challenges less if they frustate me (a true challenge shouldn't frustate me, only entise me to beat at it harder with more focus).
Anyway, regarding rage quitting... I fcking love it. The relief that I don't have to bother with the frustation anymore beats any kind of satisfaction from winning it, in fact if I keep at it I'll feel like I wasted time because the challenge didn't entise me to have fun, it antagonized me to frustate myself through the experience. Last time this happened that I recall the name was Dead Space, I was in chapter 9 and met some annoying enemies and I just gave up. I was unusually happy the next few days. It has happened some month ago but I would have to check my game list to find the title.
EDIT: Blood Omen 2! And ugh, I really, really don't like it that I have it on my GOG shelf. Frankly I would pay GOG to permanently delete it, it's so dirty. :P