Posted June 24, 2013

Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted June 24, 2013
Hmm. I guess that must have been Alan Wake (because of the infuriatingly bad controls) or Giana Sisters (because it gets quite hard towards the end).
The difference is, I went back to Giana Sisters. 'Being hard' towards the end is part of the game design in old-school jump-n-runs and it is a good game that motivates to overcome the frustration and triumph in the end. While in the case of Alan Wake the frustration just came from unnecessarily bad game design. And that is not motivating at all. You know it will be just as bad the next time you start it. So I never went back to Alan Wake.
But in the case of the most rage-inducing game I know, rage-quitting would have been pointless because the infuriating thing happened right at the end. I had to check online whether that was really the end of the game, because I couldn't believe anyone would write such a cr*p. But it really was the ending, the writers apparently hated their players and took an effort to write the most unsatisfying, screwed up ending ever and I, consequently, uninstalled Divinity II.
The difference is, I went back to Giana Sisters. 'Being hard' towards the end is part of the game design in old-school jump-n-runs and it is a good game that motivates to overcome the frustration and triumph in the end. While in the case of Alan Wake the frustration just came from unnecessarily bad game design. And that is not motivating at all. You know it will be just as bad the next time you start it. So I never went back to Alan Wake.
But in the case of the most rage-inducing game I know, rage-quitting would have been pointless because the infuriating thing happened right at the end. I had to check online whether that was really the end of the game, because I couldn't believe anyone would write such a cr*p. But it really was the ending, the writers apparently hated their players and took an effort to write the most unsatisfying, screwed up ending ever and I, consequently, uninstalled Divinity II.

Registered: Jun 2009
From Austria
Posted June 24, 2013
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Worst game I've ever played. The final boss is impossible to beat when you randomly die because his attacs miss you?! Waste of time and money. Could have been a decent platformer with great artwork and soundtrack...
Worst game I've ever played. The final boss is impossible to beat when you randomly die because his attacs miss you?! Waste of time and money. Could have been a decent platformer with great artwork and soundtrack...

Zielony Brzydal
Registered: Jan 2012
From Poland
Posted June 24, 2013

The difference is, I went back to Giana Sisters. 'Being hard' towards the end is part of the game design in old-school jump-n-runs and it is a good game that motivates to overcome the frustration and triumph in the end. While in the case of Alan Wake the frustration just came from unnecessarily bad game design. And that is not motivating at all. You know it will be just as bad the next time you start it. So I never went back to Alan Wake.

Twerk resistant
Registered: Aug 2010
From United States
Posted June 24, 2013

Usually, when I suffered some enraging defeat, I just try again immediately and look for ways to improve. My reasoning is that my current skill level for this particular task is higher than it would be when I waited a while, so it's better to try again immediately, perhaps from a new angle if it continues to fail.
When I do quit a game, I usually don't feel rage, it's more disappointment, as in "*sigh* I guess I won't make this no matter how hard I try", or "I'm not enjoying this any more, I'll do something else instead."
I'm not sure why this particular incident got me so mad. All I know is I said, "That's profanity-verbing profaninty noun!", and immediately quit the game, took the CD out of the drive, thought of destroying the CD now that a digital version is available, surprisingly thought the better of that, and put it petulantly on the shelf instead.
I appreciate everyone's responses so far. Glad to see I'm not alone in the occasional loss of reason. :-)

CSA / nuts :)
Registered: Dec 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted June 24, 2013
awh the time honoured RageQuit, oh how we bow to you.

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted June 24, 2013
That game almost made me rage quit several times and I'm not the rage quitting kind of person.
AdamR: A few days ago, playing Payday. I've clocked 221 hours on that game, and I met someone who was EASILY the most annoying little douche that I have ever played Payday with.
I kept sticking around because the other 2 guys on my crew were great. But this guy wold just not shut up. He kept whining, and kept acting like he knew better than the rest of us, when he was obviously pretty new to the game. He spent 90% of the time whining in chat (most of which made very little sense,) and !0% of the time contributing almost nothing. He fucked up every single heist we played, but blamed it on everyone else (mostly on me it seemed). I played with this crew for about an hour before finally cursing at him and leaving.
That might be my only ragequit of 2013.
But was that really a ragequit? Or a sensible quit? I felt like it was somewhere in between.
About 2 years ago, playing Far Cry 1 for the first time, I must have ragequit at least 30 times.
It usually don't do it anymore. Occasionally a RTS will piss me off, because I generally just plain suck at that genre. But that's not too often.
I like to enjoy video games, not hate them. So if I start feeling frustrated, I may take a brief break, take a minute to assess the situation, maybe look at a guide if I really can't figure it out... I try not to let video games "get to me" these days. I've got enough stress in my life, I don't need the one thing that calms me down to stress me out too. Sounds like 50% of the people I encounter in online gaming. You get used to it eventually because after some time you become desensitized...numb.

I kept sticking around because the other 2 guys on my crew were great. But this guy wold just not shut up. He kept whining, and kept acting like he knew better than the rest of us, when he was obviously pretty new to the game. He spent 90% of the time whining in chat (most of which made very little sense,) and !0% of the time contributing almost nothing. He fucked up every single heist we played, but blamed it on everyone else (mostly on me it seemed). I played with this crew for about an hour before finally cursing at him and leaving.
That might be my only ragequit of 2013.
But was that really a ragequit? Or a sensible quit? I felt like it was somewhere in between.
About 2 years ago, playing Far Cry 1 for the first time, I must have ragequit at least 30 times.
It usually don't do it anymore. Occasionally a RTS will piss me off, because I generally just plain suck at that genre. But that's not too often.
I like to enjoy video games, not hate them. So if I start feeling frustrated, I may take a brief break, take a minute to assess the situation, maybe look at a guide if I really can't figure it out... I try not to let video games "get to me" these days. I've got enough stress in my life, I don't need the one thing that calms me down to stress me out too.
Post edited June 24, 2013 by langurmonkey

Not Deus Ex
Registered: Dec 2009
From Finland
Posted June 24, 2013

Worst game I've ever played. The final boss is impossible to beat when you randomly die because his attacs miss you?! Waste of time and money. Could have been a decent platformer with great artwork and soundtrack...
edit: Actually, I'm seeing a lot of titles I thought I'd never see on this thread.
The new XCOM? Hotline Miami? Trine? FTL? Fahrenheit? (well okay, it is a little aggravating here and there) THE NEW XCOM?
I thoroughly enjoyed all of those games from beginning to end. Well, I guess everyone has their own tastes and their level of tolerance.
Post edited June 24, 2013 by DProject

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted June 24, 2013

Farenheit has one big problem: QTEs en masse. They really destroy the otherwise nice atmosphere the game creates. Well that, and the story looses out towards the end. All in all it could have been a good game, if they hadn't taken so much effort to increase game time by annoying the players. I imagine it went something like this: "Our game is too short. What can we do?" 'Add some scenes?' "Nah, too costly." 'Some challenging riddles?' "Can't think of any." 'I know, how about we tie every second step to some random QTE. That will cost the player lots of time, our game will appear longer and we don't have to invest any effort on this.' "Great! Let's do that. Problem solved." (and game destroyed, but who cares)
Post edited June 24, 2013 by Lifthrasil

GOG Marketer Guy Team
Registered: Nov 2010
From Poland

Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted June 24, 2013
A couple of years ago I ragequitted Daggerfall. There were... a variety of reasons.

No corporation is your friend
Registered: Dec 2009
From Spain
Posted June 24, 2013
My last ragequit was KotOR about 3 years ago; I was replaying for the 4th? time, using mods to try something different, and for some reason the controls of the spacefight minigame were f****ed up. No matter what I did, the mouse wouldnt respond properly, and the ship was destroyed by the most basic fighters in the galaxy. So screw them.
Also I usually "borequit" with several games from bundles. I try them because otherwise it would feel like I could be missing something good, but at some point I say "why am I playing this, I'm wasting my time" and uninstall. Superbrothers Sword & Sworcery was the last.
Also I usually "borequit" with several games from bundles. I try them because otherwise it would feel like I could be missing something good, but at some point I say "why am I playing this, I'm wasting my time" and uninstall. Superbrothers Sword & Sworcery was the last.

epic meh.
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted June 24, 2013

Also Sol: Exodus. One level that was way too hard and the dialogue was unskippable and somewhat offensive.
I didn't finish the last boss of Secret Agent Clank. Way too hard (my hands were cramping up) and the canned video kept repeating every. single. time. I felt bad about not finishing a R&C game but hey, I had others to play.

Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted June 24, 2013
Ah, yes. The classic unskippable-cutscene-before-a-major-boss-battle. Always a favorite.