Neobr10: Oh yeah? Then tell me one modern franchise that keeps changing as much as Mario or Zelda.
You gotta hate COD, Halo, Gears of War, God of War, Mass Effect, Uncharted, and all the others, because these games are the same every time. Nintendo is the only big developer to dare to bring innovations to their franchises. And sometimes they get criticized for doing so (remember all the hate Nintendo got with Windwaker's cel-shaded style?).
orcishgamer: Actually, I'm sort of with SV on this, to me the last innovative Mario game was Galaxies and
we haven't had a game changing Zelda game since Ocarina (playing Ocarina right next to any other Zelda game reminds you that they really haven't added much new, though I did love the art style departure in Windwaker and wish they'd actually have the balls to do that kind of thing more often).
Nintendo is downright dull in the living room, to me, I seriously wonder how long they can recycle old stuff and play the nostalgia card, because to me the games do actually feel the same.
Mass Effect actually did evolve their mechanics between games, I'm not sure I liked all the changes, but they did actually make some. Gears is just boring, even the first one lost its shine years ago, God of War and 2 are largely the same, Uncharted dunno... I guess the point is most of these franchises haven't been around for 3 decades, but Nintendo's franchises have. Many of them haven't had a game-changer title since the Gamecube, which is a bit sad.
Some are still fun, sure, but they do all kind of blur together for me.