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orcishgamer: That tablet thing is sold separately, from what I read, and will make up the difference to around 600:)
Neobr10: No, the tablet comes bundled with the console even in the basic package. And spare tablet controllers won't even be sold in the US, according to Nintendo of America (although this will change in the future when games with support for 2 tablets are released).
Someone actually made a good point about the tablet warranty, that bloody thing is way pricier than a normal controller, will it be covered under the console warranty (which will be at least 4 times longer than the peripheral warranties) or the same as a peripheral which at best gets something like 3 months?

Nintendo is fucking terrible at warranty and service, when my POS Wii drive crapped out it cost me 75 bucks PLUS shipping to get it fixed, and it's basically a fucking DVD drive! That's half the bloody price of the Wii these days.

So, how tough is that tablet and what's the warranty? Anyone know?
Neobr10: Oh yeah? Then tell me one modern franchise that keeps changing as much as Mario or Zelda.

You gotta hate COD, Halo, Gears of War, God of War, Mass Effect, Uncharted, and all the others, because these games are the same every time. Nintendo is the only big developer to dare to bring innovations to their franchises. And sometimes they get criticized for doing so (remember all the hate Nintendo got with Windwaker's cel-shaded style?).
orcishgamer: Actually, I'm sort of with SV on this, to me the last innovative Mario game was Galaxies and we haven't had a game changing Zelda game since Ocarina (playing Ocarina right next to any other Zelda game reminds you that they really haven't added much new, though I did love the art style departure in Windwaker and wish they'd actually have the balls to do that kind of thing more often).

Nintendo is downright dull in the living room, to me, I seriously wonder how long they can recycle old stuff and play the nostalgia card, because to me the games do actually feel the same.

Mass Effect actually did evolve their mechanics between games, I'm not sure I liked all the changes, but they did actually make some. Gears is just boring, even the first one lost its shine years ago, God of War and 2 are largely the same, Uncharted dunno... I guess the point is most of these franchises haven't been around for 3 decades, but Nintendo's franchises have. Many of them haven't had a game-changer title since the Gamecube, which is a bit sad.

Some are still fun, sure, but they do all kind of blur together for me.
what do you think about this news
I think Zelda games are often used to hype new features of Nintendo consoles and they often don't live up to expectations (e.g. swinging the Wii-mote as your sword in Twilight Princess turned out to be way less cool and interactive than promised, as waggling the Wii-mote any which way would achieve the same result). Also, big dungeons don't mean they'll be awesome, the sea in Windwaker was big as hell, after all, and how fun was that? Exactly.

I would like to see a new, exciting Zelda titles but I'm not sold that this will be anything special, the hype machine always revs up with Zelda news for any hardware launch Nintendo does and more often than not it turns out "meh" and that's being a tad kind.
orcishgamer: I think Zelda games are often used to hype new features of Nintendo consoles and they often don't live up to expectations (e.g. swinging the Wii-mote as your sword in Twilight Princess turned out to be way less cool and interactive than promised, as waggling the Wii-mote any which way would achieve the same result). Also, big dungeons don't mean they'll be awesome, the sea in Windwaker was big as hell, after all, and how fun was that? Exactly.

I would like to see a new, exciting Zelda titles but I'm not sold that this will be anything special, the hype machine always revs up with Zelda news for any hardware launch Nintendo does and more often than not it turns out "meh" and that's being a tad kind.
by new things meaning turn zelda into a party based rpg?

EDIT: i rather explore a bigger hyrule and dungeons but the sea in windwaker was ok imo made it more adventurous
Post edited September 16, 2012 by Elmofongo
orcishgamer: I think Zelda games are often used to hype new features of Nintendo consoles and they often don't live up to expectations (e.g. swinging the Wii-mote as your sword in Twilight Princess turned out to be way less cool and interactive than promised, as waggling the Wii-mote any which way would achieve the same result). Also, big dungeons don't mean they'll be awesome, the sea in Windwaker was big as hell, after all, and how fun was that? Exactly.

I would like to see a new, exciting Zelda titles but I'm not sold that this will be anything special, the hype machine always revs up with Zelda news for any hardware launch Nintendo does and more often than not it turns out "meh" and that's being a tad kind.
Elmofongo: by new things meaning turn zelda into a party based rpg?

EDIT: i rather explore a bigger hyrule and dungeons but the sea in windwaker was ok imo made it more adventurous
Come on, dude, you know what I mean (though side-games are fair game, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon isn't exactly the main event, but they're good, why don't we get side games on living room consoles, exactly?).

How about a Zelda that turns the story on its head? What if you spent half the game playing Princess Zelda, instead of her simply being a prop to move the story along? What if it wasn't Ganon for once? Hell, what if Link had a god damned personality for once?
Elmofongo: by new things meaning turn zelda into a party based rpg?

EDIT: i rather explore a bigger hyrule and dungeons but the sea in windwaker was ok imo made it more adventurous
orcishgamer: Come on, dude, you know what I mean (though side-games are fair game, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon isn't exactly the main event, but they're good, why don't we get side games on living room consoles, exactly?).

How about a Zelda that turns the story on its head? What if you spent half the game playing Princess Zelda, instead of her simply being a prop to move the story along? What if it wasn't Ganon for once? Hell, what if Link had a god damned personality for once?
making link talk is like revealing master chiefs face

oh and there was a you play as zelda game....and it was terrible, but your right they should make more zelda spin-offs

and in skyward sword there is no ganon
orcishgamer: Come on, dude, you know what I mean (though side-games are fair game, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon isn't exactly the main event, but they're good, why don't we get side games on living room consoles, exactly?).

How about a Zelda that turns the story on its head? What if you spent half the game playing Princess Zelda, instead of her simply being a prop to move the story along? What if it wasn't Ganon for once? Hell, what if Link had a god damned personality for once?
Elmofongo: making link talk is like revealing master chiefs face

oh and there was a you play as zelda game....and it was terrible, but your right they should make more zelda spin-offs

and in skyward sword there is no ganon
Ah fuck it, lost my post...

Back to drinking and LoL or something...
gameon: The only thing that let that game down was the damn sailing. The wind changed way too often!
I actually thought that the sailing was the best feature in the game. It was really fun to explore the world and find hidden islands in the ocean.
orcishgamer: Hell, what if Link had a god damned personality for once?
Gordon Freeman doesn't talk either, does he? Thats how these characters are supposed to be.
Post edited September 16, 2012 by Neobr10
orcishgamer: Hell, what if Link had a god damned personality for once?
Neobr10: Gordon Freeman doesn't talk either, does he? Thats how these characters are supposed to be.
You know, it's weird, I hadn't even thought of Link actually talking when I said that, it's weird that you both went there. Gordon Freeman had 100 times more personality than Link, who "commits" to save the world about the same way I "commit" to doing a load of laundry.

Link could have more of a character with or without talking.
orcishgamer: Actually, I'm sort of with SV on this, to me the last innovative Mario game was Galaxies and we haven't had a game changing Zelda game since Ocarina
Really? What about Windwaker and the sailing gameplay? What about the train thing in Spirit Tracks? What about turning into a wolf in Twilight Princess? What do you want? A party turn based RPG like Bauldur's Gate? A FPS? Sorry, this won't ever happen.

Maybe they should make something that goes back to Zelda's roots with a top-down view game like 4 Swords.
orcishgamer: Gordon Freeman had 100 times more personality than Link
No way.
Post edited September 16, 2012 by Neobr10
orcishgamer: Actually, I'm sort of with SV on this, to me the last innovative Mario game was Galaxies and we haven't had a game changing Zelda game since Ocarina
Neobr10: Really? What about Windwaker and the sailing gameplay? What about the train thing in Spirit Tracks? What about turning into a wolf in Twilight Princess? What do you want? A party turn based RPG like Bauldur's Gate? A FPS? Sorry, this won't ever happen.

Maybe they should make something that goes back to Zelda's roots with a top-down view game like 4 Swords.
orcishgamer: Gordon Freeman had 100 times more personality than Link
Neobr10: No way.
dude neobr i ninja'd you already
Post edited September 16, 2012 by Elmofongo
Zelda needs to back to the exploration of the NES games, like Wind Waker did.

Skyward Sword is the other side of the spectrum - the modern Zelda focused on character, story, puzzles and combat - which started with Ocarina of Time (though Zelda II had a huge focus on combat-platforming too).

Link to the Past had a good balance of both types of Zelda, I think. I prefer classic Zelda, so the first three Zelda games are still the best for me. Modern and classic Zelda are actually very different. Anyone who says all Zelda games are the same is simply a moron.
Neobr10: Oh yeah? Then tell me one modern franchise that keeps changing as much as Mario or Zelda.

You gotta hate COD, Halo, Gears of War, God of War, Mass Effect, Uncharted, and all the others, because these games are the same every time. Nintendo is the only big developer to dare to bring innovations to their franchises. And sometimes they get criticized for doing so (remember all the hate Nintendo got with Windwaker's cel-shaded style?).
I don't remember saying CoD innovated, only that Mario and Zelda are the same game every time. I don't even just mean gameplay either, I mean how the dungeons work, where the stars are, whatever. It just bores me... I get that you don't agree, that's fine. It's not the only reason I don't play them but it is part of it.

None of it means I am biased. Honestly if anyone is coming from a place of irrational passion in this conversation it is you.
Zelda game :rolls eyes: Sick to death of zelda games can't they make something cooler anda lot more GOTHIC darker and more EVIL LOOKING! for once not so "kiddie" AND NOT Fucking MANGA!
Post edited September 16, 2012 by fr33kSh0w2012
orcishgamer: Gordon Freeman had 100 times more personality than Link
Neobr10: No way.
I guess I'll just have to go with "matter of opinion". Personally I can't identify at all with Link, I can't figure out for the life of me what the dude is thinking, he seems like an automaton.

Freeman I get, I get what he might be feeling and I cannot even see his face. I know when he's shitting his pants and when he finally gets mad. Freeman I get, or at least I feel like I get. Link could be anyone... you see his lifeless face the entire game and yet the guy is a clay doll, it's absurd and disturbing. I guess they gave him "pain face" in some of the later games, when he's taking a whooping, that's about it...