StingingVelvet: Yeah, there's really nothing more irritating than a company shitting on the people who built the franchise by denying them future installments. I also hate when they radically change the genre, like say KOTOR to TOR, though that is obviously less disgusting and can lead to good games like Fallout 3.
This isn't the case. Sega owns the IP but they were going to sit on it like they did with Alpha Protocol because the game wasn't a multi million seller. Platinum games had no say on the matter so if it weren't for Nintendo the franchise would be dead.
StingingVelvet: The original game didn't sell all that great in the first place, making it exclusive to a console would only make that situation worse one would think. Especially since it is a Nintendo console, which appeals to modern "core" gamers as much as Farmville does.
According to Wikipedia "By March 31, 2010, Bayonetta sold 1.35 million units worldwide."
That number wasn't good enough for Sega but it was good enough for Nintendo to consider funding the game in hope of attracting some core gamers. You can bash them all you want but at least they are trying to gain a wider audience. Anyway, B2 isn't the only "core" game being released on the Wii U, they also got Black Ops 2, Assassin's Creed 3, Batman AC, FIFA 12, etc. I get it, you don't like Nintendo but you are being way to biased here. I prefer to give credit where credit is due.