It would seem trying to guess what is and isn't included in this deal is going to be quite complicated. That said I am so looking forward to 2 of the three announced titles which I played to death when they originally came out. Yes I am that old!
Master of Orion absolutely brillant, I never played MoO 2 so don't know if I would like that one.
Master of Magic, fantastic ...was this ever updated?
I still have the game guides for both of these.
Looking back at the Microprose catalogue it brings back a lot of memories, I had over a dozen of their titles.
I'm guessing the Sid Meier titles won't be available (I'd love to revist the original Civ and Railroad Tycoon), but maybe the Chris Sawyer games (especially Transport Tycoon)?
I'm really excited about the forthcoming releases, which is a bit of a surprise.