dr zli, mondo and starmaker, thank you, you made my day. i laughed hysterically for around 10 minutes :) and starmaker, you are awesome :D
this thread has become highly entertaining :)
cbean85: Are you saying that girls are not as "naturally talented" intellectually speaking? I'm a guy and I think that is a load of crap! What the hell are you talking about?!
don't you get it? it's a compensation mechanism to cope with the fact they were better than him :)
pH7: Out of curiosity, what do mean by "proving themselves"? Is it that different from a guy having to prove himself? <snip> So, what I'd be interested in finding out is if "women having to prove themselves in male dominated areas" is any different from "men having to prove themselves in male dominates areas" - apart from men being a lot more used to "having" to prove themselves. Any thoughts?
I meant making guys who are openly prejudiced against women realize that you're not a joke and that they shouldn't look down on you or assume things to be true just b/c you're female. It's usually worse if you're good looking.
The most extreme example I've heard of is a team of male scientists refusing to cooperate with their newly assigned project leader b/c she's a woman, in really mean ways. Luckily it ended up well cause she's brilliant and knows how to handle people.
With normal, reasonable people of course it's the same.
Magnitus: I think there is more overlap between computer games and computer sciences/math than most people give it credit, especially for the more brainy types of games. Heck, some people go very far in their analysis for the optimisation of their strategy for some games.
I agree with that. Not necessarily for math reasoning, but some games certainly develop your brain in desirable ways. But they haven't been around always, nor as readily available as today.
Also, girls are kinda stereotyped to like casual and PUZZLE games.
Magnitus: I think about math stuff when I'm alone, not when I'm with my gf.
Your gf (or bf) might be a math/science geek. So you might discuss and share your ideas and theories when you're spending quality time together.
Your spending time together might also mean playing games together, the brainy type.
Magnitus: Also, dating can be a very emotional process and my personal experience is that computer sciences and maths are topics best delved into when you have a cool head.
Like any intellectual endeavor.
Which can actually serve as an escape from emotional issues for some people.
You're underestimating ambition and the wish to succeed academically (in terms of being concerned with dating). Research has shown that girls do better at school. Reasons aside, if you study, you are developing your brain. And you study math at school from grade one. Actually, in kindergarten too.
Also, various people handle emotional issues differently, and some are better at keeping their head cool or simply focusing on work/studying when they have to.
And lastly, I don't know exactly how early do you mean, but the time you hit puberty and the time you start dating can differ radically based on culture, ethnicity, nutrition prevalent in a country (due to various chemicals, hormones etc.) and so on.
Yumi: It might have been true in past generations, but a lot less for mine.
I think it's true for every generation of children, and that it depends on personality and emotional setup. Because it's a matter of confidence.
In this particular case, true, internet allows you to see that there are many exceptions to the rule.
the last quote came out as if i were quoting myself. i don't want to edit it cause it would take too much time with the messed up editing ^^;