Ciapcian: Hey xxxIndyxxx,
I choose some games I played some time ago on my PC and nobody mentioned about these in this thread:
Disney's Tarzan: Action Game
Disney's Action Game Hercules
Mini Ninjas
I don't know about availability of the games right now.
Have you played any of these?
I must have forgotten to reply you, I am sorry. I did played those Disney games all those years ago. Mini ninjas i completed a couple of weeks ago and had a lot of fun with. Lomax and I-ninja both look fun and I will look into both of them. Since I-ninja looks the most like rayman 2, i choose I ninja as a contender. Lomax looks more like rayman 1, looks fun.
lugum with Croc
emwearz with Jett Rocket
stg83 with Puppeteer
BranjoHello with Skullmonkeys (first to recommend it)
Ciapcian with I-Ninja
aJillSandwich with Outland
I will choose a winner today (late) or monday. Thanks for all the suggestions. I still take suggestions though so this list is not final.