GameRager: (Marked as question for second place prize which is random draw of all entrants for rep point award.)
Lexor: Does marked post mean we will have LucasArts on board?
In other case (random) it is a bit misleading. I was going to be a second place prize draw(give rep points to random second place winner)......until I hit the button by accident this morning. :(
GameRager: Splinter Cell is Ubisoft so not likely...wanna pick again?
mrmarioanonym: Guybrush Threepwood
Roman5 picked that one as well...full listing is on page 1 in post 1.
omndra: I want to say Electronic Arts, but you guys are already have some of their games.
Got a choice/are you entering? Just checking. It has to be from a publisher not signed to GOG yet btw.
One last update: Saramakos, MrMarioAnonym....we need new choices as both of yours are still invalid.(Picked already)
Also ISHAOLM if yer serious about entering please pick a serious entry before contest ends, or just keep with the funny if that's what you wanna do.