Posted October 06, 2013
If you look around our modern culture today everything is zombies... books, TV shows, movies, games... everything! I get zombies are nothing new but it seems in the past couple years zombies have taken over everything.
And I'm sick of them! gosh their annoying because their unimaginative and way over used. The old Res Evil games were ok with zombies because we weren't drenched in them, but now, there's sniper eliete Zombie shooter thing, minecraft, terraria, COD, Red Dead Redemtpion... those are games that probably shouldn't have zombies in them... well aside from minecraft and terraria...
I don't know, am I in the minority here of people wanting to get rid of zombies? is anyone else sick of them yet?
this is all my own opinion...
And I'm sick of them! gosh their annoying because their unimaginative and way over used. The old Res Evil games were ok with zombies because we weren't drenched in them, but now, there's sniper eliete Zombie shooter thing, minecraft, terraria, COD, Red Dead Redemtpion... those are games that probably shouldn't have zombies in them... well aside from minecraft and terraria...
I don't know, am I in the minority here of people wanting to get rid of zombies? is anyone else sick of them yet?
this is all my own opinion...