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If you look around our modern culture today everything is zombies... books, TV shows, movies, games... everything! I get zombies are nothing new but it seems in the past couple years zombies have taken over everything.
And I'm sick of them! gosh their annoying because their unimaginative and way over used. The old Res Evil games were ok with zombies because we weren't drenched in them, but now, there's sniper eliete Zombie shooter thing, minecraft, terraria, COD, Red Dead Redemtpion... those are games that probably shouldn't have zombies in them... well aside from minecraft and terraria...

I don't know, am I in the minority here of people wanting to get rid of zombies? is anyone else sick of them yet?

this is all my own opinion...
Zombies? Sick?

Come to think of it, there's really a lot of zombies running around lately. And after my last visit to a zombie night club, I indeed feel a bit sick. I'm not sure, it feels a bit strange, but ... BRAIIIIIIINS!!!
Yes, since 2006.
I'm definitely sick of zombies -- they stick in your teeth and you can't get rid of the taste for hours! :-)

Seriously, though, they have been a bit overused lately.

EDIT: Mind you, maybe it's also because they haven't mainly followed the also fairly recent trend of turning werewolves and vampires into respectable family-friendly fodder! :-)
Post edited October 06, 2013 by blakstar

It's all thanks to this revolutionary new trick I developed, which is mine, was thought up by me and is owned by me. I call it "Randalatorianism". It works like this: If anything in modern entertainment media annoys you, ignore it and buy something else. You may use this method, but remember that I came up with it first.
Post edited October 06, 2013 by Randalator
Randalator: Nope.

It's all thanks to this revolutionary new trick I developed, which is mine, was thought up by me and is owned by me. I call it "Randalatorianism". It works like this: If anything in modern entertainment media annoys you, ignore it and buy something else. You may use this method, but remember that I came up with it first.
crazy talk...
Randalator: Nope.

It's all thanks to this revolutionary new trick I developed, which is mine, was thought up by me and is owned by me. I call it "Randalatorianism". It works like this: If anything in modern entertainment media annoys you, ignore it and buy something else. You may use this method, but remember that I came up with it first.
I'll try that and give credit to you... though everything seems to be saturated in a nice coat of zombies anymore... though it's easy to just forgo zombie games... don't you think there comes a time when literally every other game that is released has zombies in it?

I forgot to mention it in my original post but indie games are the ABSALUTE WORST offenders when it comes to zombies in games. Literally it seems like 90% of indie games feature zombies... mind you the more annoying thing I find about indie games is how they seem to all be 16 bit...

any who! yeah you can forgo them but with so many games (even more indie games everyday) featuring nothing but zombies... that's a bit trick...
Heh, funny. My wife asked me what the deal was with zombies lately when we were walking through a bookstore the other day.

I told her that everyone moved on from vampires.

But to answer your question: yes.
(But then I don't normally play zombie games, watch zombie movies, read zombie books, etc.)
Post edited October 06, 2013 by adambiser
Nope. I need all the prep I can get for when it really does kick off.

/sings In the brain and not the chest headshots are the very best...
Post edited October 06, 2013 by the_bard
the_atm: If you look around our modern culture today everything is zombies... books, TV shows, movies, games... everything! I get zombies are nothing new but it seems in the past couple years zombies have taken over everything.
And I'm sick of them! gosh their annoying because their unimaginative and way over used. The old Res Evil games were ok with zombies because we weren't drenched in them, but now, there's sniper eliete Zombie shooter thing, minecraft, terraria, COD, Red Dead Redemtpion... those are games that probably shouldn't have zombies in them... well aside from minecraft and terraria...

I don't know, am I in the minority here of people wanting to get rid of zombies? is anyone else sick of them yet?

this is all my own opinion...
I am getting tired of Fast Running, Punching/Kicking Zombies. Bring back the slow walking corpses that hungers for living flesh and makes groaning and moaning noises not screeching and screaming noises.

Also I am beginning to get sort of tired of "Infected with Virus/Radiation" Zombies, bring back Black Magic induced Undead Zombies, previously known as Ghouls.
Whats next? werewolves?
I really love the idea of zombies. In fact there are many scientific studies that have been done to work out the IF a zombie breakout were to happen how quickly and effectively we could actually control the outbreak.

In games, movies, television and books zombies make a clean opponent.
- You cannot be blamed for picking on foreigners.
- You are not at risk from animal rights activists.
- No real science is needed as the outbreak is just that, a sudden, uncontrollable outbreak.
- Women cannot complain that you are being sexiest by (not)/including them as the bad guys.
- No need for children beyond any protagonists. All eaten.
- Only basic AI needed to make a blood hungry zombie work.
- Artists can go wild or retained as there is no real basis for the actual look beyond vaguely human.
- People like to kill things and as there is no real zombies the producers can bypass higher age ratings by just including a zombie.
- Zombies are just fun.

So although they are used a lot in the media, I see no reason to blame the zombies or those using them as the easy pin for their work.
Night of the Living Dead was on TCM last night. Oh yeah, I watched it.
In fact this thread reminds me I need to renew my Michigan State Zombie Hunting Permit. In case you think I'm joking about that, they sell them on Amazon. Go look. :D
Yes, since the first zombie fiction was released. The only zombie game I enjoyed is Plants vs Zombies because of its comedy and Dead State looks interesting but that has nothing to do with the zombies but more trying as a survival party RPG. If a mod is released so I can change zombies to anything else I definitely.
Once the DayZ stand-alone is released I will be. Between that and State of Decay, I have no reason to play any other Zombie game.