CptFandango: Well now the seasons over its nearly Monday and I have no GOT to look forward too :( I have watched all of cbg19's epic histories and reviews etc, played the RPG and the strategy game a long time ago (ser mors is the best character in the whole saga) and don't want to read the books as I am following the tv series and don't want any spoilers.
This has joined into my unquenchable cyberpunk hankering (which was partially sated by the cancelled series almost human) But I'm hitting up the community for opinions and suggestions :D
Cheers in advance!
Dragon Age Origins, (Darkspawn=Whitewalkers, Loghain's claim to power=War of Five Kings, Chasind=Wildlings)
Final Fantasy Tactics for PS1 and PSP (Lucavi=Whitewalker-ish, War of the Lions=War of Five Kings)
The Witcher series (Sex=Sex)