Centy: Well Torrents themselves aren't illegal and there's plenty that are perfectly legal and should be encouraged for distribution but sadly they get lumped in with copyrighted torrents and get smeared with the same brush.
I'm against these things because they require to deep monitoring to see what you are downloading and that's when it becomes freedom crushing.
I to lay a lot of the blame at America's feet and feel the anger but obviously it's irrational it just so happens American companies have the most money and loudest voices against piracy and to a point you as a people are more used to this kind of stuff than some of us in Europe.
Saying that in the UK we have to put up with something called the Digital Economy Bill which is arguably worse and much closer to being law than this. I download a lot via torrents but it's mostly legit music (Jamendo etc) and TV which isn't shown over here and well even if it was I don't own a TV. I buy all my games and any music I want. Movies sadly for these people I stream so they can't really stop that. It's worrying as a whole as the internet was started as a free expression unregulated creative technology and it's sad to see it every year go further towards serving the wallets of already rich and greedy awful people.
I agree with you totally!
You know what our main problem is?
Our educational system.
Its the lack of critical thinking thats the main issue. (You know? The ability to think for ourselves!)
Since its not promoted, people just aren't aware there is a problem!
I mean looking back at the curriculum I had as a child, its embarassing!
We are literally spoon-fed information! (No wonder most of my generation, are sex/relationship obsessed morons, they haven't discovered that there is a world beyond what they read in the magazines!) (I feel like the intelligent ape out of Skullmonkeys! XD EDIT: Jerry-O! Thats his name! :D)
Only when there are times of need, do the ignorant public finally, get there is an issue at hand!
The other main issue is our wealth gap. Its self-perpetuating! The rich, get the best education, therefore the best jobs.
They become the business men, the lawers, and the politicians, and they only look out for their own interests (to stay rich!).
EDIT: And anyone with a brain in the UK can clearly see it doesn't matter who to vote for in the election, as the two main parties are EXACTLY THE SAME!!
(Big shocker! I know! XD)
As for piracy, I know from personal experience, the only people who pirate are the ignorant, and kids who don't have a job, and can't get the game they want from their parents, (mostly because its not out yet for months in the UK, or their parents don't earn enough to keep up with their desires. You can call that selfish, but its not entirely their fault, as the industry itself is almost literally forcing a culture down these kids throats to BUY! BUY! BUY!, to get the latest stuff, or be behind and looked down on!)