Just finished it.
Scariest game ever. (last few levels were spectacularly unsettling)
some small spoilers below, nothing story-related though, just the gameplay mechanics chautemoc: I can't think of any real flaws. Honestly.
I was kinda annoyed with not being able to carry candles, and that you weren't allowed to interact with everything - some boxes for example, and I was disappointed that you couldn't move certain bigger objects like tables, as they showed in the trailer. Of course, you don't really have to anyway, but the physics engine is really neat and it would have been nice to do that.
Of course, the bigger gripe is still with not being able to carry light sources. It took quite a huge amount of suspension of disbelief to live with that, but of course, the amount of tinderboxes are quite generous, and anyway, I wouldn't want to carry a torch around too, knowing it would make me get seen more easily. Besides, it's not hard to see in the dark either - I really like how your eyes adapt to the dark, very cool.
I'd give it a 9/10 just for the above-mentioned gripes, but otherwise, story is top notch, scares are amazing. I've played quite a number of scary games, and by far, Thief 3's Cradle level was the king, until I played Amnesia. No fight there. The Cradle level lasted me about 3 hours. Amnesia scared me consistently throughout for 15 hours.
(PS: I'd love to compare Amnesia and Fatal Frame, since people have said before that Fatal Frame was the scariest game ever made. Unfortunately, I've never played Fatal Frame, so I can only base my comment on Amnesia being the scariest game ever on games that I've played. How do both games hold up to each other, for those who have played FF?)
chautemoc: I can see why people wouldn't like Daniel's voice but I was rather fond of it.
I like Danny's voice too. I thought it was good; not brilliant, but good.
Wraith: Which is a bit insane as I would say this is a $40 title at $20.
This is the most value-for-money game I paid for this year. I have watched scarier movies for nearly half the price I paid, and come out of the cinema not feeling chilled to the marrow at all.