In a way, this is similar to what happened to the movie Demolition Man. For those who don't know the movie, it includes a scene set at a Taco Bell restaurant. Now, Taco Bell has no presence in Europe, so the studio was afraid that a European audience wouldn't understand a joke involving the restaurant chain.
For some non-American releases, references to Taco Bell were changed to Pizza Hut. This includes dubbing, plus changing the logos during post-production. Taco Bell remains in the closing credits. In the Swedish release the subtitles still use Taco Bell while the sound and picture has been altered as above. The original version released in Australia (on VHS) contained Taco Bell, yet the newer version on DVD was changed both in logo and dubbing to Pizza Hut. (In the scene where the restaurant patrons are looking through the glass windows to the fight scene outside, "Taco Bell" can be seen etched into the glass, even in the modified version.)
As a result, the Demolition Man DVD I own is the bastardized version. It's extremely annoying to watch the changed bits. They only dubbed over the words "Taco Bell", and not the rest of the sentence. Since the dubbing was recorded in a sound studio (presumably), or at least under completely different circumstances than when the scene was originally shot, you can clearly tell, even with your eyes shut, that the two words "Pizza Hut" have been added later, because they sound different from the rest of the sentence. Of course, if you have your eyes open, you can also clearly see people mouthing the words "Taco Bell".
Taco Bell is a restaurant franchise, which is made obvious from the context in the movie. The joke involving it plays on the fact that it is a franchise, and has nothing to do with Taco Bell otherwise, they could have used any restaurant franchise. I assume that's why they felt they could just as well replace it with Pizza Hut, but it also means that it doesn't matter. As long as people understand that it's a franchise, they'll get the joke, even if they don't know that particular franchise. Which again means that they fucked up the movie for no good reason, and that I can only get the fucked up version of the movie where I live.
Sorry, end of rant. That particular thing has just always pissed me off to no end.