Wraith: This is why I stopped upgrading my PC. Right here. First: PC special editions started getting shafted. Not a big deal, but annoying. Then came the delayed releases. That was enough to get me kinda pissed. Then came the abandoning of the PC once a game was released, despite it having game breaking bugs, with no patch ever released (Kane and Lynch, Far Cry 2 for examples). And now, complete abandoning of the PC as a platform. I've pretty much moved to my consoles for modern gaming, and abandoned the PC, save for certain exclusives (ARMA 2, WoW, etc.), old games, and the occasional FPS that just seems to make more sense on a PC (L4D2, TF2, etc).
Now, reality check: If you think Microsoft owes ANYTHING to you, you are in for a wake up call. Microsoft abandoned the PC when Halo came out. Just look at the E3 footage from 98/99 and the final game once it was announced for Xbox. Microsoft has moved on to consoles. That's where money is to be made. Games for Windows was an utter failure, with a lack of cooperation between companies to try and market the service for all newer games, and a horrible user interface.
Modern PC gaming is, for lack of a better word, dead. It will join the Wii for being the primary target for casual gamers, with a tiny percentage of core gamers holding on.
EDIT: On a side note, BOTH of my hard drives just crashed on my PC. As if it knows I'm talking bad about it.
PC gaming isn't as dead as Microsoft and Sony want you to think it is. People have been saying this sense the 90's. There's more to the story besides retail sales. What is conveniently left out of the numbers is sales from all MMORPG's, online DLC, online services like Steam, GoG, and others. Once you add all this up, you'll realize PC gaming has a much bigger chunk of the pie then you think.