Posted January 18, 2012

He glanced at the latest arrivals. They were just kids yet he hadn't noticed their presence until right before they appeared out of the woods.
"Those of you capable of moving unseen and unheard through these woods might also want to do the same. Hopefully, the main charge will be a surprise attack, but it wouldn't hurt to have more surprises in store for them," he offered, unsure if they'd even listen to him.
OOC: Not moving just yet (awaiting reply). Does this talk count as this round's action?
Kalix grins, "Very well, you have a 5 minute head start. Follow the path to the northeast. Stay straight. When you find what you're looking for, you'll know it.... a very large building."

Remaining turns:
Lucas: move up to 2 and act
Phil: move up to 2 and act
Arkades: move up to 1 and act
Post edited January 18, 2012 by stoicsentry