begedinnikola: While he was angry for good and valid reasons, there are better and far more effective ways to make a point to a kid. That's my opinion at least.
the_bard: What in the sam hell?...
i think he pressed reply in a wrong thread and was posting in regards to a father who shot his daughter's laptop.
SirPrimalform: Do you have any idea if the GamersGate version is cut or not? I bought it there during a sale, but haven't played it yet.
nope. They do not have forums do they?
Navagon: I might be mistaken, but I thought that there was some sexual content that was cut from all versions of the game before it could duck the AO rating? To be clear about this I'm not saying that the GOG version is any more censored than any other. It's just that I've heard there are things that didn't make it into any released version of the game.
there is cut sexual content from the game. from American release. nudity also.
The European release was not cut. Whether something was removed from the game BEFORE it was released is not really an issue, is it?