Crosmando: GoT RPG goes straight into my shit list for having the most retarded "real-time with pause" system in a "party RPG" ever devised. IT doesn't actually pause the game when you pause it, it slows down time. So instead of being able to sit back and think about what orders to issue to party, etc, it feels like the game is screaming into your ear constantly HURRY UP.
I don't really care if the rest of the game is so-so or even decent, coming up with a design that fucked-up kills all interest for me.
I agree with you that this wasn't good game design, but then again, it's not like Game of Thrones is a tactical RPG with lots of options where you need to really think about what to do during combat.
It's an action RPG with multiple party members (and much of the time you only have 1 character to play with anyway).
The only choice to make is which of a few abilities you want to use and which enemy you want to kill first, you don't really need to be able to pause the game to do that.
I much prefer tactical, turn-based RPGs myself (or at least ones with a real pause like in BG), but the mediocre gameplay in GoT RPG didn't bother me too much, and at least they got the setting and atmosphere right, which was the most important thing, considering it was aimed at fans of the books.