Nirth: If it were up to the average of anything or anyone nothing would work. I like that argument, I think I'll use it as a slogan for something.
Anyway, I agree. The funny thing is with you americans (at least with information I've received) that you are a very patriotic people, you love your country in general (I assume because of your whole freedom preach) but you hate your government. That's..kind of funny. :P
A high liberal would assume that every need could be satisfied by a company so no taxes is needed, you only pay for what you want, I think that's the general idea they're basing their complaining on. The problem is they don't take into consideration that we have a legacy from when governments were strong (kings and aristocrats) so it will take time for this to happen but still, we still rely on local community to function a co-operative manner. This idea to fend for themselves like life is a jungle even in civilized countries is not an inspiring thought to say the least.
I would have to say though that one thing I don't like about taxes is that they overcomplicate the system but I suppose it's needed because everyone works any system to their advantage so the government have to too; tax on trades that works so money actually comes in. The art of accepted taxation is a hard one.
To sum up: work the system (legally), pay whatever taxes you've to but do what you can to help local community (and more if you can). :)
It's psychology. It's the theory that change will destroy us, while thinking that change is what we need to survive. It's knowing that there's someone with power over you, who with many others controls the direction of yourself, your family, your town, your state, your countrymen, without any power yourself to resist it. It's the fear that the next day is going to be the end of your country, the burning of knowing that you're right and nobody else is, and making sure that the other guy loses in the next election, more than it matters for your own guy to win. It's complaining 20 ways sideways about the state of the world, without lifting a finger off the couch to do something about it, a pack of liqour beside you to go a little more brain dead to forget yourself and the world for a while.
It's all basically stupid pandering of course. Really there's no proven, promised method that works for every situation, and the economy, the driving force of the world changes literally on every penny invested and every penny spent. Ideally, we honestly should be more like the European countries. We have one of the largest territories for a country on Earth, we have one of the wealthiest nations on Earth, we have one of the most advanced technological societies on Earth, but we don't put any of that towards having a society where the most basic of social statuses can survive reliably. We debate and argue to cut funding for the majority of the population, while offering benefits to business, some that will give millions of dollars to private executives as a bonus, and then turn around to fire half of their workforce. It's silly, it's stupid, and honestly this should happen. Business is about making money, sure, but most of that comes in re-investing. You don't make anything back from a single man in a suit and tie. Then you complain that you can't hire workers because taxes are too high, when you pay one man as a BONUS, the wages to pay 20 for a life time.
Honestly, a lot of people love this country. They do. The problem is nobody knows what to do for it, and the debate falls down to whether or not the health of the nation comes down to supporting business or the working class. Maybe in an ideal world, both, you give the business incentive and ability to grow, invest, hire workers, and still profit, while the workers have the ability to work, sustain themselves and live with a modest comfort, but the mindset in this country is it has to be one or the other, and it gets thrown back and forth so much that any real solution would require an absolute re-write of the practice of tax, payment, corporate structure, and a powerful attack on preventing high inflation that will come with a boost in paycheck.