Zookie: I think that there is a bit of a false argument going on here. We don’t need to live life in the extremes. On the one hand we do not need to be paranoid about everything we say for fear that it might rub someone the wrong way and on the other hand we don’t need to adopt a sociopathic, nobody matters but me attitude, to feel like we have freedom of expression.
I think if we just use a common sense and a basic sense of respect of others we will manage just fine.
scampywiak: Two problems with this:
-Your criteria is too subjective.
-Gaming, at present, is being bombarded right and left by social justice crusaders who want to clamp down on every issue percieved as offensive/ racist/ sexist, etc. Movies and books have long past gone through this phase, but right now gaming is experiencing it full force. Of course it's their right to do so, but it has created a hostile climate that is not amenable to reasonable compromise. It's also led to self censorship.
1. Why is the "subjective criterion" a problem? Zookie specifically encouraged other users to apply their own criteria and arrive at their own conclusions, why do you have a problem with that?
2. What exactly has the current perception of gaming in the media to do with the fact whether you want or don't want to use a term that might offend others? Is it more okay to offend others if you're in environment that is "under attack"? Why should that even be relevant for a simple question of human interaction?
Here's a recent example that my girlfriend experienced in an MMO:
- Guy enters a chat, describes that somebody "totally raped him"
- Girl explains to him calmly that she doesn't like the usage of this term and also explains why
- Guy says that he hadn't thought about this before, apologizes, and is a bit more tactful in the future
- Conversation carries on since it's not _that_ big a deal for anyone involved.
These conversations happen very often and it's a very simple thing (imho). Where in this exchange do you see the problems of "subjective criteria" and "gaming under attack"?