carnival73: Sounds like mom is building up an escape fund.
And dad is a bit miffed about it.
Dad needs to just let her go
And mom needs to stop lying to the PD.
You can only hang back and wait out which way the storms of Fate blow your ship.
I guarantee it won't lead to anything that you can't handle and next year this time, no matter if your parents are still together or not, the situation for you will be no better or worse than it is now.
That's life in a nutshell - Tedium always threatening to become Tragedy but just panning back down to Tedium again once the smoke clears.
I would agree with this but there is one flaw. That morning after learning the item sold my dad was telling me how he was thinking of just giving her all that money for her to get her own place and get out of his hair. He just got angry when he learned that she took the money without ever saying a word to him. She never knew about that morning conversation so that just makes the whole situation more depressing.
monkeydelarge: I think you should try to convince your father to just give your mother what she wants. We live in a society where women have more power than men... He is fighting a battle he can't win I think. And even if he does win, it will be Pyrrhic victory for him.
Momo1991: Well might I interject that you don't know all the details, monkeydelarge, so submitting that "women have ALL the power " might be a bit of an overstatement on your part. To me it sounds like coxdr's mother is feeling very vulnerable money-wise - a situation that many, many women find themselves in due to contributing all their income (if they can even find work in this economy), might have zero savings to leave an unhappy (and in many cases - not saying in THIS case - abusive) relationship.
Yes, it's pretty clear coxdr's mother is not behaving in the most grown-up manner here but she may plenty of reasons why she's acting this way and trust me, if she had ALL the power, this would not be the case.
So please, I am asking you to consider your words and please don't place women in some category that denigrates them. In a marriage it takes two to tango - this situation did not develop overnight and both parties need to take 100% responsibility for how it has come to be the way it is...
Instead, let's just try to be here for coxdr as a supportive force for good without turning a rough time for him in to some kind of political statement.
Thanks for listening with an open mind ;-)
I think you may have the feeling vulnerable about money thing right. I just think she is going the wrong way with it. as I said in another post. I have no problem with here goal just how she is going for it.