EVERY christian has different opinion on what it teaches, and they can litterally point out passages that back up their views. Again, what gives you the right to judge other christians?
Soyeong: Of course people will always have different opinion, which is why it is important to carefully study it to understand the author's intent. The fact that the Bible can be misinterpreted does not in any way mean that there is no correct interpretation.
You can never know the authors intent, they were unknown. And you can't possibly know what they were thinking with as vaguely written as it is.
pimpmonkey2382: The catholic church is no where mentioned in revelation, and the priests don't personally save other people. You could keep going but you're digging yourself a hole of ignorance and you keep burying yourself in it.
flashpulse: You got to be kidding me. I'm done with this topic. You have no knowledge of what you speak what so ever. Good bye.
Read your bible, and show me where the catholic church is mentioned in revelation.