Posted January 24, 2014
ThoRn: Poverty will always exists no matter how many babies you kill. As long as there's a rich class there has to be a poor class. Stop making up bullshit excuses to murder innocent babies.
It's not a bullshit excuse. Women that get pregnant before age 20 are substantially more likely to live the rest of their lives in poverty as well as having fewer options for improving their livelihood. Secondly, it's not murder. A fetus is not capable of living on it's own. In most cases it's doesn't resemble a person at all. It's literally just a clump of cells, no matter what you wingnuts think.
Lastly, it's not really any of your business what women do with their bodies. Until you step up and pay the full cost of those unwanted children, you have absolutely no right to tell women that they have to slave away for years to carry a child that they probably wouldn't have had if you people weren't so opposed to birth control.