toxicTom: Continuation from yesterday:
Soyeong: Sorry, I mean to reply to this sooner.
No problem :-)
Thing is, many people would call me crazy. That is why I don't go public with my experiences. People who know me personally on the other hand could confirm some of the stories I could tell - that's how I know I'm not crazy ;-)
If you really want to know, you can PM me. But my guess is you won't believe me.
Soyeong: Just as it's difficult to believe that someone rose from the dead, it's difficult to believe miraculous claims, but they are too numerous and well attested to dismiss out of hand, especially the instances where they are medically documented.
I don't believe in miracles in the sense of some external supernatural power taking an influence of the world. Things I've witnessed and done could be considered miracles by some (or "magick"). But I think they're entirely natural, just in a plane of reality that science does not look into. The science world (like religious folk) has their own restrictions on free thought. Scientists are too afraid to embarass themselves in front of their colleagues to try to look into the "metaphysical" realm. Or maybe, like on the quantum level the result of the experiment is influenced by the intention of the observer, there are things that kind of "refuse" to be measured and picked apart.
First of all, all these religions are inherently misogynist. While I'm not a woman I can't accept treating half of mankind as inferior beings. The god is male (always He). The savior is male with an all male fanclub. The first human was a man. Priests are men. Most saints are men. Women brought sin and are subordinate to men.
You know that the early church tried to erase or at least "shrink" Mother Mary? They had to leave her in because people wouldn't accept a religion without a female mother goddess. Why do you think people in mass visions often see Mary and not Jesus?
Soyeong: While it was a patriarchal society, Jews treated women much better than surrounding societies and they had many laws in the Torah that gave protection to them.
I'd like to have some sources for that. I've not ever read anywhere that the jew treated women better than, say, the Greek or Romans. On the contrary, with a pantheon that included goddesses like Athene, those women had a good chance to high-ranking positions in society.
Also it's pretty well documented how christianity treated women and how their situation turned a lot for the worse when the Christans took over. Don't be blind.
Next - they are all essentially apocalyptic death cults. Instead of encouraging people to improve THIS life for everyone they are focused on subordination, obedience and enduring "what God laid out for you" and waiting for a reward after death. Everything is centered around death, either personally or the end of the world. Christianity even perverted the powerful cross symbol, that as phallus represents the male half of life to solely an instrument of torture and death.
Soyeong: The focus on Christianity isn't on the death of Jesus, but on his resurrection, so it's not on death, but life.
No the focus is enduring this life, and if bad happens it's obviously God's will and wait for the reward after death. And death means the individual death and the end of the world. If life was the message, why is the Christian symbol one of suffering and death (the crucifix) and not the ascending Jesus?
The Old Testament's god is a murderous, cruel and power hungry deity that would not even stop at human sacrifice, rape to death and genocide. The flood or Sodom and Gomorrha: Kill them all, let God sort them out - oops, that's me?
Soyeong: Sodom and Gomorrah were not destroyed because God was murderous, cruel, and power hungry, but because they were being judged for their wickedness. If there had been any righteous, then they would have been sparred. Genocide is targeting a group of people because of there ethnicity, so I'm not sure why you think God committed genocide. In fact, he targeted people because they were doing human sacrifices, among other reasons.
And there were no children, pregnant women, mentally challenged people in those cities? Only evil, evil grown-ups that of their own free will and with waterproof evidence of their doing wrong?
And since the old cities were effectivly city states, wiping one out counts as genocide.
I also know that the christians often claim kind of new deal with Jesus. But Jesus did not once claim that things would be better with him. On the contrary he stated that the old rules still apply. Just re-read about the second coming - no trace of generosity, tolerance, well-meaning. It's obey or be punished.
Soyeong: When you talk about a God of love and justice, it only makes sense that He would have wrath towards those who obstructed it.
Well, wrath should be below an omnipotent being and is incompatible to "justice". I won't go into justice now, because I have no time right now, but you should know the difference between a lynching (the Old Testment's god) and a fair trial.
Furthermore: These religions are somatophobic. That is to be expected in death cults that rewards only the soul and sees the body as a mere vehicle. The greek, roman, norse gods at least had a lot of casual sex.
Soyeong: There are Gnostic teachings that the body is evil, but that is not the case with Christianity.
Then why all the problems with sex and birth control? Why the focus on physical punishment for "sin"? Self-chastising? Those are mostly christan phenomena.