Posted January 08, 2012

Also, if you want to play PSP games, i seriously recommend you get an old PSP model so you dont have to rely on PSN availability. Trust me, there are a lof of great PSP games missing on PSN. ANd you can get a PSP dirty cheap now anyway.

-Super Mario 3D Land
-Mario Kart 7
-Sonic Generations
-Nano Assault
-Animal Crossing
-The inevitable Pokemon game
-Tales of the Abyss
-Heroes of Ruin
-Monster Hunter
Sadly most aren't out yet, or even have a release date. D:

And I heard positive things about the 3DS version of Sonic Generations. If you've played the console version, then the 3DS version is a nice compliment to it. I really enjoyed the PC version, and would like the 3DS (which has completely different levels) to compliment it. But yeah, the 40 dollar price tag is intimidating, so hopefully it will go down in price by the time I get the 3DS.
I bought the PC version for 10 dollars on Steam, lol.