Zeewolf: To be honest, I don't care if it lives up to Deus Ex or not. I'll take it for what it is, and just enjoy the fact that someone are making the kind of game that I love.
fuNGoo: People seem to have a problem doing that. They cry for "MOAR INNOVATIONZ@2@@!!1" while at the same time poopoo-ing anything that's not EXACTLY the same as what they had before. Oh no, my Flaming Sword of +1 Integrity does 2 points of damage less than before, the balance is RUINED!!!
Personally speaking, the only "innovation" I want is a fun, engrossing game. I don't care about bloom, HDR, anti-aliasing or anything else that is optional. Just give me a good story, interesting game mechanics that fit into the gameplay and do not feel tacked on, and some decent AI. When DX3 comes out, I will buy it and try it. I hope I am not disappointed too much.