I'm back, and I have to say that Black Angus burguers go perfectly with desperado beer.
Treasure: Interesting! Well, according to wikipedia (
http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platero_y_yo), this book
wasn't supposed to be for children in the first place, but rather for adults, and it was the simple tone of the text that misguided people to think of it as a children's book. Considering this, then the book isn't really hipster, but rather the audience Jiménez had in mind was an adult audience most probably well versed in French, and that's why he probably didn't feel like translating the poem from French (plus, translating poesy is very hard). Just found a link for the book in Gutenberg project btw (
https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/9980) and will try to find later the french poem to read it myself (I don't really know Spanish and used Google translate and my knowledge in french-which has some similiarities with Spanish- to read the wikipedia article I quoted). At any rate, thanks for giving me some new knowledge today! :-)
That is true. It's nor originally a children's book, but for the last 80 years it has been considered one by almost everyone It's one of those books that everybody has heard of but absolutely no one has read.
An example: I was gifted a copy, when I was 8 by someone who I don't doubt had never even opened it, but it was famous, so it must be good.
I tried reading it again as a teenager in high school, after all, its author was featured in my literature textbook, and he had received a Nobel prize. The book had been famous for more than 75 years, so it must be good right?
It was like trudging through a waist high muddy swamp, every page was a chore, every line an effort. The one thing I came away with was that, poetic prose is bad poetry that doesn't rhyme.