justanoldgamer: I own everything on the current flash sale except Farcry which I own on CD and did not like. Should I give it another try?
What did you not like about it? I'm not a huge FPS fan but I loved it, and am currently waiting/hoping for Far Cry 2 to be on sale (I went to bed just before it came up last night, dang) as one of the few I'm looking to pick up. I know it's not the most loved game and I've read the criticisms but at a sale price I want to give it a go.
I enjoyed Far Cry as a stealth game, trying to stay as far from the center of the action as possible, and trying to get the enemies to kill each other too. The times you are forced into close combat I found harder (but then again I suck at that) but not too hard. The last few levels do get tough, but using the console save command helped there.
But if you already tried it and didn't like it maybe not!