Stilton: What have you folk picked up that you might have passed over before?
IAmSinistar: Excellent post. For me, the ones I grabbed that I have glossed over before include
IL-2 Sturmovik,
Super Puzzle Platformer Deluxe,
Subwar 2050, and
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena. Some of these I got this time thanks to doing as you did and investigating them further (plus some great feedback from other users), whereas some are of the "splurge on it because at this price it's worth the gamble" category. These sales are very good for expanding one's gaming horizons.
That's a pretty eclectic selection, just the kind of unexpected assortment I've been accumulating: SimCity 2000: Special Edition, Tropico 3 Gold Edition, Gemini Rue, Papers, Please, Consortium, La Mulana and Sir, You Are Being Hunted. I'm kind of keen to have a go at these
before I sit back to my usual fare, which both pleases and excites me. And all at little cost ;-)