ZPavelZ: Another question we have been discussing today. Is it somehow confirmed that "700 games on sale till 31st of June" means "700 games on FLASH sale till 31st of June" and we are about to see a whole new set of Flash deals in the nearest days?
700 games on sale 50% off until June 30 (exact time of day I don't recall off hand). 200ish games in Flash sale (ish working out to 228 roughly), so with the possible theoretical exception of about 6 or 7 games predicted to be in the flash sale from graphic images in the directory the backgrounds come from that have not yet showed up yet - we've pretty much seen every game that will be in the flash sale. There's a list somewhere in this thread of the remaining background images that did not show up, among them was Banished and Omerta but I forget the rest. There is no indication from GOG that there will be any changes from what they said in the initial announcement. The only things we have not yet seen is a surprise contest (possibly tomorrow's surprise), an all day long freebie game, and flash sale freebies however some people claim to have gotten free games along with their flash sale purchase after they made it so it's possible that's happening invisibly to some people. Also, the highly speculated/expected all-bundle day or days that GOG usually does in quarterly promos.
Might be other unannounced unknowns too but I doubt they're holding out on us very much. :)
stg83: I sure wish there was because for the time being it feels like the schedule is working against me similar for some other folks that aren't getting the games they're waiting for that went by in their absence. :)
You could try the notification system in isthereanydeal.com perhaps, someone said it works for the flash sales here, although I haven't tested it personally for this purpose myself.