Yeah, it`s fine to see, that GOG are constantly switching promo conditions to avoid repetition, and because of that this time it is not so sleep deprivation inducing as by those classic Insomnia sales.
Actually main reason for that is the fact, that even if you miss the game in it`s flash deal window (which has in some cases really extreme discounts), you can still get it at anytime with pretty generous 50% off - obviously this takes away most of the intensity of the previous sales.
And maybe it is not only my case, but another contributing factor is, that after some time majority of the deals start to have the familiar "Owned" sign on them instead of a price :)
Anyway, as I just checked at MaGog, there are currently 600+ games at the 50% discount level. And I think that`s quite unexpected, as I don`t remember any similarly massive sale action in the past.
My initial theory was, that maybe GOG will try to surprise everyone, and there will be maybe only 1 round of flash deals this time. When you consider, that this promo will take 14 days, and games switch every 40 minutes, that`s 504 deals (+/- a few %).
And that was quite suspicious number, too similar to the total count of games at 50% discount level - taking into consideration, that most probably there won`t be separate flash deals for games included into the daily bundles.
But there were already some deals of games, which currently does not have any discount, and they started to throw there some of those weird movies too.
So my theory is probably shattered. Now I start to think, that only a subset of all discounted games will appear in the flash deals - the question is only, how big. I personally would guess 2 rounds of flash deals this time, unless they suddenly change the rate of games appearing in them.