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Stilton: [snippety snip snip]
Things are decent today. Feeling much better than I was yesterday.

Exercise kinda screws me up. I used to do a similar workout everyday a few years ago. It used to help my mood, but after having ECT, it seemed to just worsen my mood.
Not all the time, though. I seem to go through phases a couple of times a year where exercise works well for a month or two.

It's been a while since I've done anything like that, though. I'll give this a try for a while and see what happens. Thanks.
I like Agent BirdNest's new nickname :D and the avatar with the hand-drawn nest on the helmet ^^
I'm sorry to read you don't feel very well though... :( I hope you'll get better soon...

I wish I had another nickname too... mine doesn't have anything to do with videogames :-\ *sigh*

Yesterday I've tried Banished (one of my last impulse "end-of-sale-quick-quick-quick" purchases)... not bad, but not very exciting either... I'll see how it progresses) and the Tex Murphy series... I didn't quite catch anything from the first episode (especially the futuristic car driving part... how are you supposed to get out of that sh*t... ?) ; I started Under A Killing Moon, hoping it will be easier to play :) I didn't know these games at all ; I've always been doubtful of "full-motion-video" games potential...
I want to seriously begin a new game (and stop flitting from one to another), but I can't decide which one...
Still no fresh game releases? Man, the post-sale is a let-down.
IAmSinistar: Still no fresh game releases? Man, the post-sale is a let-down.
A definite feeling of being in a stark and silent void.....

Hello..? GOG? Are you there...? GOG...?
Post edited November 26, 2014 by Stilton
Stilton: Good afternoon all!

I hope everyone's enjoying their sale games. I'm still with Escape Goat and I'm trying to decide between Overlord and Mount & Blade for next.

How are things today, Agent BirdNest?

I was reading your correspondence yesterday and was wondering if exercise would be useful to you.

I've had similar times to those you're having and I've always found doing something physical to be helpful, as it gives me more control over mind and body and makes me feel less at the mercy of the wobbles when they come.

There's a well known program called the 5BX Plan. There's a downloadable PDF here:


You don't have to go out to do it, you can do it as often as you like, and if its any recommendation, I've got a lot out of it (like the Canadian Air Force, who it was designed for).

It might be worth trying something like this out ;-)
Good afternoon. =) Also working on Escape Goat here. Alternating between that, Zombie Shooter (when the piece of garbage manages to stop crashing; it's seriously done that at least half a dozen times the last time I tried playing it), Space Run, and then circling back to my now-dormant System Shock 2 game.
CarrionCrow: Good afternoon. =) Also working on Escape Goat here. Alternating between that, Zombie Shooter (when the piece of garbage manages to stop crashing; it's seriously done that at least half a dozen times the last time I tried playing it), Space Run, and then circling back to my now-dormant System Shock 2 game.
If I can I usually like to combine games with different levels of type/intensity, unless I'm either completely sold on one game at the expense of all others or I want a bit of overload - like blowing up everything in sight to offload some tension. Sometimes all of that in your face violence/critical timing/samey-samey can be a drag. Particularly when things keep crashing. I've currently got Drod 1 to complement Escape Goat and King of Dragon Pass to take me off somewhere else completely.
Hello my fellow GOGgers!

Glad to hear that you're doing better today, AgentBirdNest!

And how's everyone else doing?
HypersomniacLive: Hello my fellow GOGgers!

Glad to hear that you're doing better today, AgentBirdNest!

And how's everyone else doing?
Trying to get used to all of this....(shh)...quiet....
HypersomniacLive: And how's everyone else doing?
Quite ok, I am stressed but at the same time bored at work. I know it is not making much sense.
HypersomniacLive: And how's everyone else doing?
moonshineshadow: Quite ok, I am stressed but at the same time bored at work. I know it is not making much sense.
Stressed and bored and work are not a good combination. Can you get any secret game-playing done?
moonshineshadow: Quite ok, I am stressed but at the same time bored at work. I know it is not making much sense.
Stilton: Stressed and bored and work are not a good combination. Can you get any secret game-playing done?
Not really, I am sneaking into the forums as much as I can but that's it. And probably I should not do that since time is scarce but I need something in between to lift my mood.
Makes sense. Would be a bit hard-pressed to find something that contrasts more than Escape Goat and Zombie Shooter. Escape Goat's puzzle-platforming, Zombie Shooter's shoot stuff til the screen bleeds. Escape Goat makes you think (sometimes a lot) to get through, Zombie Shooter's pretty much totally mindless.
And of course, there's the fact that while Escape Goat is really good, Zombie Shooter is almost total crap....-laughs-
HypersomniacLive: Hello my fellow GOGgers!

Glad to hear that you're doing better today, AgentBirdNest!

And how's everyone else doing?
Good afternoon. =) Just basking in all this....wonderful....calmness.
No need for interest or excitement here....just lie back, switch to decaf, and let the boredom seep in like an invisible pillow being pressed against your face....
Post edited November 26, 2014 by CarrionCrow
CarrionCrow: And of course, there's the fact that while Escape Goat is really good, Zombie Shooter is almost total crap....-laughs-
I hate being let down like that. Its a shame GOG don't put out demos, at least that way we could spare ourselves some of the pain. It would probably mean GOG had some dead titles in its catalogue too, though.
CarrionCrow: And of course, there's the fact that while Escape Goat is really good, Zombie Shooter is almost total crap....-laughs-
Stilton: I hate being let down like that. Its a shame GOG don't put out demos, at least that way we could spare ourselves some of the pain. It would probably mean GOG had some dead titles in its catalogue too, though.
Oh yeah, they would. It's okay, though. Had a chance to play some of Alien Shooter years ago. Didn't foresee the crashes but everything else told me this was a game to wait for a BIG discount to buy.
CarrionCrow: And of course, there's the fact that while Escape Goat is really good, Zombie Shooter is almost total crap....-laughs-
Just in case you want a genuinely good zombie shooter to play. :)