CarrionCrow: Okay, here's a question for everyone - what would you say are the games that you ABSOLUTELY MUST HAVE from GOG? Whatever you think is best, it'd be interesting to hear. (Even if it's Fahrenheit.)
From the games I've played (which is an embarassingly small amount).
For older games (the whole reason this site was started):
Dungeon Keeper & Theme Hospital -- Bullfrog humour at its finest for me ("Patients are reminded not to die in the corridors")
Rollercoaster Tycoon (if stretched for money, only get the second one) -- a fun theme-park orientated game. Never played it before last year but for someone who is fine playing older games it seems to have stood up quite well.
Creatures -- sadly seemed to be the pinnacle of AI-controlled creature games.
SimCity 4 --
the modern-style city building game for me. Graphically it's held up well, good solid foundation to it.
For newer/indie games:
FTL -- yes, yes, part of the rogue-lite genre that seems to be everywhere. Winning is mirred in chance but every playthrough I've done I've learned something new from it.
Banished -- similar to SimCity 4, but in a medieval setting. Can be initially brutal but once you've got the knack of it, it can be quite good. Also has modding capabilities, including one
huge mod called Colonial Charter which has pretty much revolutionised how I play it.
(Edit: uh, in case I completely misread the question, these are the games I think people should look at, not the games I want. Games I want are completely different -- I have all of these bar SC4 on here already :) )