foxworks: Very true. Clients are dumping projects on my virtual lap and fleeing before the Thanksgiving Holiday. Kinda like what Sachys does with his poo. Fortunately, my clients don't pay with feces.
You need a hand? My virtual lap is pretty empty right now and no Thanksgiving Holiday to distract me. (~_^)
Stilton: When I find out how, oh yessy!
Just PM
Barefoot_Monkey, he'll sort you out. :-)
CarrionCrow: You're quite welcome. As far as all the rest goes, to put it bluntly, you don't feel like an asshole. Some people do. You don't. I discussed Nox earlier. It's a really good game. You had it on your wishlist. So there you go. =)
Good to hear that, but please no soccer games for me, old or new. ;-P
And what is it with that "full-on spastic" we keep using to describe yourself?
ddickinson: That's why I generally ask before gifting, to try to avoid making anyone feeling awkward or guilty. But sadly this does result in most people refusing a gift. But I would rather that than make them feel uncomfortable.
Good, at least I'm safe from you. ;-P
CarrionCrow: You do not, nor does anyone else, ever have to feel awkward in the face of a blindside gift from me. Just know that being someone who's worth gifting something to helps me as well.
I only do because I'm the type that probably enjoys making gifts more than receiving them, and it frustrates me now that I my finances restrict me from doing so without thinking twice about it.
CarrionCrow: [...]
And on a decidedly non-serious note, shush, enjoy the game, don't sweat any of the other stuff, then be sure to sign up for the "We Love Nox" cheerleader squad after you beat it. ;)
(Really, really, REALLY hoping that the overall silly tone came through the purely text-based medium.)
Haha, rest assured, it did! d(-_^)