All right....10 of 12 bundles complete, 33 games up for the sale.
If I can break 50, I'm upgrading the sentence to "collecting the everloving crap out of some games".
Ya know....when I was a kid, I didn't have a lot of cash. Game buys were pretty rare and trips to the video store for rentals were frequent. (3.49 for a day and a half was still cheaper in the short-term than 50 dollars at a time. Also, kiss my ass, Blockbuster, I am so happy you're out of business. Buncha frigging thieves.)
But now, years and years and YEARS later, I can buy boatloads of games, even while still not having a lot of money. Hell, I can save enough doing this that I have extra to give gifts to people here and there, put smiles on a few faces where I can. Overall, it's pretty damned sweet.
(And yes, I know I sound like such a frigging upbeat cheerleader....totally going to blame this entire statement on the coffee and lack of sleep later.)
Post edited November 17, 2014 by CarrionCrow