Stilton: I'm here 100% for the old stuff - it is Good OLD Games, after all. The indie stuff, for me, is incidental. I've picked up a seemingly interesting title here and there and overall been reasonably pleased, but they never scratch that itch the older games manage to. I find most of them soulless and struggling too hard to be better than they really are. Indie sales and development are necessary for sure, but not necessarily in such abundance here. As for sales, I think there should be separate indie sales, because for me each indie title that comes up at the moment is a space wasted where an old game could have been. I understand GOG wanting to bump up the revenue, but sometimes it feels a little too much like an invasion (that's a bit rich coming from a Viking, I know, but you get what I mean).
It definitely feels like there are more good old games than new ones. Different sensibilities and perspectives when you're independent and realize that you've got to somehow make your mark in three months or less in the midst of a glutted market before you have to resign yourself to the reality that your passion project, the project you sweat and struggled and starved and stressed for, is destined for pay your own price, 10 for a dollar Humble Bundle purgatory at best and unrecognized oblivion at worst, perhaps.
Would like to think that more people want to actually craft something with meaning. But then you've got to balance that against the material requirements of the world. No one will give a crap about your work if it's garbage, but if you can't eat or pay the rent, it'll never be finished. So then you're stuck, and have to try to split the difference.
Also, maybe it's just me, but it feels like part of why I'm more inclined to retrieve older items is because of how frigging cannibalistic the video game industry is. Bits and pieces of mechanics and styles and approaches will be retained, but overall, it seems like the big companies are A-okay with grinding their own past under in the name of advancing Corridor Shooter 35 instead.
So then people feel compelled to grab everything they can, since it feels like the big companies just don't give a damn (and frequently they don't), not like we do with our personal connections to older games.