ddickinson: That's right, you dash my hopes for new games in the flash sale ;-).
Don't let those hopes be dashed just yet - there's a game about to come up with its very first appearance. A Golden Wake - pretty sure we haven't seen it before.
I don't know if that means GoG is peppering in new stuff, or if we're just at the point where the random cycle is more likely to repeat, but there are still a few games that, due to chance, haven't been seen yet.
I remember this game's release, as I thought the premise was really cool! You're just playing a real estate developer in the '20s, trying to work deals. Now to decide if I want to grab an adventure game with very rough visuals. So many of them are drop dead gorgeous, but the premise doesn't excite me (there have been a few cutesy ones up already; things like Machinarum (sp?) and another that was up right around the same time earlier today - beautiful, but I don't think I'd be able to "get into them"). This one seems like a nice change of pace plot-wise, but I don't know if I'd enjoy staring at it for a hours. I want the best of BOTH worlds damnit! ;)