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klappis: Missing the first stamp too!
See here. You can still collected it tomorrow, you're just a day behind, i.e. instead of collecting all stamps in seven days, it'll take you eight.
Now up: BlazBlue - 66% off - $3.39

Next up: Disciples: Sacred Lands
Did the summer sale last as long as this one? I seem to recall that the summer sale was only on for a week? The reason I ask is that I'm wondering if GOG will change the flash games around half way through the sale. The stamp collecting thing seems to be for seven days, so maybe after then we will get new games in the flash sale and possibly another set of stamps to collect. I could be wrong, but it seems strange to run a sale for so long with the same games repeating over and over again.
ddickinson: Did the summer sale last as long as this one? I seem to recall that the summer sale was only on for a week? The reason I ask is that I'm wondering if GOG will change the flash games around half way through the sale. The stamp collecting thing seems to be for seven days, so maybe after then we will get new games in the flash sale and possibly another set of stamps to collect. I could be wrong, but it seems strange to run a sale for so long with the same games repeating over and over again.
I also expect them to change the flash deals at least once during this sale. They'll also surprise us in one way or another. Pretty sure about that. :)
ddickinson: Did the summer sale last as long as this one? I seem to recall that the summer sale was only on for a week? The reason I ask is that I'm wondering if GOG will change the flash games around half way through the sale. The stamp collecting thing seems to be for seven days, so maybe after then we will get new games in the flash sale and possibly another set of stamps to collect. I could be wrong, but it seems strange to run a sale for so long with the same games repeating over and over again.
Nope. The summer sale lasted for 16 days (13 June-29 June).
Grargar: Nope. The summer sale lasted for 16 days (13 June-29 June).
I'm not sure why I thought it was only a week, but thank you for the answer.
Post edited November 16, 2014 by ddickinson
Grargar: Nope. The summer sale lasted for 16 days (13 June-29 June).
ddickinson: I'm not sure why I thought it was only a week, but thank you for the answer.
Maybe because JMich had revealed the images of the bundles early or because the bundles were fully revealed on 18 June before making a final one on 29.
Post edited November 16, 2014 by Grargar
ddickinson: [...]I could be wrong, but it seems strange to run a sale for so long with the same games repeating over and over again.
Most of the games in the Summer Flash Deals had made a total of ten appearances.
HypersomniacLive: Most of the games in the Summer Flash Deals had made a total of ten appearances.
That's right, you dash my hopes for new games in the flash sale ;-). Ten times seems a bit much, but I guess it's to give as many people as possible a chance to get the games. I think the reason I don't really remember the summer sale is because it was before I visited the site more regularly. It wasn't until July that I started visiting the site more often, and started posting on the forum and meeting it's awesome members.
ddickinson: That's right, you dash my hopes for new games in the flash sale ;-).
Don't let those hopes be dashed just yet - there's a game about to come up with its very first appearance. A Golden Wake - pretty sure we haven't seen it before.

I don't know if that means GoG is peppering in new stuff, or if we're just at the point where the random cycle is more likely to repeat, but there are still a few games that, due to chance, haven't been seen yet.

I remember this game's release, as I thought the premise was really cool! You're just playing a real estate developer in the '20s, trying to work deals. Now to decide if I want to grab an adventure game with very rough visuals. So many of them are drop dead gorgeous, but the premise doesn't excite me (there have been a few cutesy ones up already; things like Machinarum (sp?) and another that was up right around the same time earlier today - beautiful, but I don't think I'd be able to "get into them"). This one seems like a nice change of pace plot-wise, but I don't know if I'd enjoy staring at it for a hours. I want the best of BOTH worlds damnit! ;)
ddickinson: That's right, you dash my hopes for new games in the flash sale ;-).
Ixamyakxim: Don't let those hopes be dashed just yet - there's a game about to come up with its very first appearance. A Golden Wake - pretty sure we haven't seen it before.

This would be Golden Wake's second appearance. It first arrived on day one.
foxworks: This would be Golden Wake's second appearance. It first arrived on day one.
LOL oh bummer now my hopes are dashed! I thought we were done seeing new games too, but when Golden Wake popped up I was SURE I haven't seen it before. So much for that idea! ;)

Thanks for letting me know though, I probably would have been (more) glued to GoG tonight than otherwise ;)
foxworks: This would be Golden Wake's second appearance. It first arrived on day one.
Ixamyakxim: LOL oh bummer now my hopes are dashed! I thought we were done seeing new games too, but when Golden Wake popped up I was SURE I haven't seen it before. So much for that idea! ;)

Thanks for letting me know though, I probably would have been (more) glued to GoG tonight than otherwise ;)
Yup, I'm afraid we've seen the last of anything new during the flash unless GOG decides to pump more titles between now and the end of the sale. *shrugs*
I wouldn't be surprised if they changed things up a bit going into week 2 of the sale. I'm prepared to be wrong, but it would be a smart tactic in order to keep people excited.
Several of the flash deals that are on now, were on on day 1 too.
I can't imagine they'll be repeating them for another 9 days. Perhaps some games will only be on sale once.