Fairfox: Yo.
So are you happy with your weight? Are you too fat? Are you too thin? Are you just right? Do you care? Do you
not care (s'different from indifference, y'know)? Are you actively trying to lose weight? If so, are you succeeding? Failing? Somewhere in teh middle?
Are you dieting? Are you exercising? Are you doing it alone? Support? Do you have a fat family? Do you have a
thin family? Do you find it all difficult? Easy? Are you addicted? Do you hate it?
Looots of questions. I mean... looots of questions?
But yah... expand! Someee peeps go their whole lives struggling with weighties, and I don't just mean the physical side, obvs. Do you have any mental conditions alongside it, if so? Binge eating? Anorexia? Bulimia? Stress? Fatigue? If so, moar side-conditions of this? Expand, expaaand, expaaaaaand! But possibly not your waist (well, apart from me, mebbe), lolzer.
i used to bodybuild competitively, so yes i do care very much. that said, these days i prefer to stay fit and good shape more than worry about muscle mass. i currently ride my bike three times a week, lift twice a week (one day lower, one day upper). i eat clean most days with the occasional injection of chipotle and/or thai green curry, and my family is thin with the exception of my grandma's cousin who is/was morbidly obese and lives on welfare (havent seen him in like twenty-something years tho).