Fenixp: I liked it because it was so different from the original games. At this point, I want the tactical gameplay from the new XCOM to be present in every turn-based strategy ever. The basebuilding could be expanded upon a bit tho, just as interceptions.
It is quite good in its essence but I wasn't the biggest fan of it. The things like cover working to certain angel fully and 1 more degree and it was non-existent, too high miss chance for point-blank shots, reinforcements in some missions just appearing out of nowhere right next to you, limited "inventory" or shots going right through cover (that was mostly due graphical presentation of it I guess) ired me quite a bit.
Still I enjoyed the game, only not as I hoped I will.
What I would like improved would be story. I know it certainly isn't the most important in this kind of games but I was disappointed by XCOM ending and hope this one will be better.
For supposedly extremely clever alines the ending was really dumb from their side.