Gnostic: Why? console version price can beat humble bundle and such?
PookaMustard: What? Humble Bundle? You mean waiting for specific sets of time until the game I'm wishing to buy is on a bundle? That is not really great; waiting for a bundle with a game I want just to get it at a lower price. Sure the games packed together might be at a lower price, but that doesn't mean I will not wait until the game I want is put in a bundle. And then of course, being Humble Bundle, it being having a %75-%25 chance of either the game being Steam DRM'd or DRM-free respectively.
Without bundling, usually most games drop to 50% or more in a year.
If you are unwilling to wait of course there is no discount and you pay full price regardless of any platform.
But that does not mean those willing to wait cannot get the game for cheap.
That is a question to R8V9F5A2 when he claim that all AAA games on PC are much cheaper than on console is a myth, because console games rarely go as cheap as PC would
Gnostic: What? You mean an AAA game now would cease to be AAA after 5 years?
Yrtti: No, but AAA games will still get price drops during those 5 years depending on how they did.
Making bundle pricing a standard of any sort is silly because you can never know if that one game will ever be on a bundle to begin with. You might as well compare bundles to how you can get games for $5 each month (or less) on PS4/PS3/Vita through PS+
And you need to have a PS4/PS3/PS2/PS1/vita in working condition.
What should be made a standard for comparison then? The overall cheapness of PC vs console games?