Themken: Which extensions are the most handy ones depend on your playing style.
By the way, why is this discussion not in the
X series subforum?
When I made my First Post, I did not see a Discussion for X Anything....
That is why it is here.
Themken: Well, anything trade related can be found easily in Teladi space at least.
Useful: I Got them, Finally, at the HQ In Light System...
Had to Double Click The Item 3 or 4 times, then it Kicked Down to by BUY Box, and Installed.
Next Issue...
I Ran into a Cargo of "Space Fuel" Floating near a Jump Gate.
I could not find any way to Pick It Up and put it in My Cargo Hold.
There were no Commands for such when Clicking the Item, and none of My Left Bar Commands did the trick.
I raed in one Guide That you Could Hang Out Around Combat Areas, and Pick Up Guns or Shileds Now and then.
How is That Done??