Themken: The tutorial in X3:TC and X3:AP sux. It was a lot better in X3:Reunion. I suggest just skipping it.
I am in X3-TC, No other subsets installed.
Themken: To do a normal scan of an object (some plot scans are done like viperfdl mentioned above) you go to the menu OR use the hot key (sorry, forgot if it was bound by default) and in the menu the under menu for your target. There is the scan option so long as you have a scanner installed. Cargo scanner? Mineral scanner? I forgot what you needed. The Duplex and Triplex (get this one asap!) are for seeing further on your minimap.
I see in my Cargo, I have a Duplex Installed, But when I get near objects, like the Pirate ship, or even the base when I went in there, I do not see any Options Fro Scan, either in the Left Side Bar Target ICON, Nor When I Click The Target with my M<ouse, Nor Under Any of the 3 Lists Of BIND Keys in The Options, Controls Section of Menus.
Themken: The cash pay for doing missions, when your reputation and notoriety is low, is peanuts but they are excellent means of raising your notoriety. May I suggest doing a follow that ship mission only once and then never look at them ever again. <shudder>
I have yet to get to the END Of This Mission... Jackson KEEPS On Sending me back and forth Between PTNE HQ, Scale Plate Green, and Nyana's Hideout, OVER, and OVER, and OVER Again.. After last night, and more than Two Hours This am, I have gone to all of them at Least 8 Times now, and he Never sends me Into Unknown To Scan The Pirate Base... It is Getting to the Point of Being Futile!! (I did Fly Into That System before I shut down this am, and could Not Scan The Base even when I got Close to it.
Themken: Maybe I should reinstall the Terran War pack on this computer in order to be able to help better. Not played X since last winter.
Would be apreciated, but that is your choice. Thanks for the offer.
viperfdl: To scan the pirate base you just have to get really close, less than 100 meter. You then get a message that the scan started. Then you only have to wait until you get message that the scan has been finished and you can fly back.
I did Fly Into the Unknown System, Found The Pirate Base, Got Very Close to it, and Still Have NO SCAN Option......