Licurg: So it's a walking simulator where you run, and sometimes jump ? Fascinating...
If this is a walking simulator than so is Prince of Persia Sands of Time, ICO, and Super Mario 64 :P
Navagon: It's either most of the way complete or that's a really tiny budget requirement for a first person parkour game. I do like the idea of mixing grappling hook action in with parkour, but given that parkour is all about total reliance on your reflexes, athleticism and agility I do wonder if there's a danger that one could dilute the other.
But yeah, it does look good.
But judging from the trailer it does not look as....polished as compared to Mirror's Edge. I kinda noticed some clipping in the models.
WBGhiro: That doesn't look anywhere close to studio ghibli, I mean ok it's a kickstarter but that's not even the same style.
I don't see anything Studio Ghibli.
If anything all I see is a Pixar Look like the upcoming Blizzard game Overwatch.