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Of course I would rescue it. They're quite useful, you know....
Randalator: Of course I would rescue it. They're quite useful, you know....
You say that with an ever-so-faint tone of "I'm going to put this in my sister's hair on the first chance that I get".
I'd save the thing at least if I could be reasonably sure that I could follow up by removing it from the house. If there was the slightest chance that it could escape and remain in the house - except now with me knowing about its there - I'd think twice. I have or have had fears of those things.

The fears are on the decline though, if not gone. I noticed something odd about them that helped. One wouldn't expect that irrational fears would obey the boundaries of fine taxonomy, but the fact is that those long-leggety opiliones used to really frighten me but stopped doing it some time after I learned that they're not actually spiders. They could still get spook me by surprise but large insects do this too, it passes instantly when I recognize what I'm looking at.

Whatever part of the brain it is that causes the fear response, I must have trained it a lesson by accident. My theory is that the next time that I got spooked by one of those things, I happened to recall "I read opiliones are not spiders" while the spooked part of the brain was wide awake and paying attention, and whoops it heard and learned. And the next time it remembered.

Now, of course it's the wrong lesson. What I really want it to learn is "spiders are not dangerous" (which is true up here in the north). So the next times I got spooked by an actual spider, I repeated that to myself instead. I think it's working. I have knowingly left a spider alone in the corner of the bedroom and gone to sleep. I much prefer not to, but I've also carried out spiders in my bare hands. None of this would have been possible some years ago.

Weird how the mind works.
Fairfox: ...
I'd try to avoid letting it drown; that's too cruel. (Stinkbugs I have to flush down the toilet though b/c they stink. :P) If it's a little yellow-ish one I'll squish it (trying to make it a quick death). A bigger brown-ish one I might try to scoop up with a piece of paper and throw outside.
Randalator: Of course I would rescue it. They're quite useful, you know....
zeogold: You say that with an ever-so-faint tone of "I'm going to put this in my sister's hair on the first chance that I get".
those skinny longleg spiders, if possible i will try to get it out the water, i rescued some flies lying on their back in water after heavy rainfall, many times, even saved a bee, not the wasps with the jailbird outfit, these guys sting, but the fuzzy wooly big ones (they sting aswell but i seems these feel like being stinged by 7 mosquitos so they say its less painfull)
I dont use these to scare any one, or any relative cause thats a little bit childish to do, regardless of what age a person is, you dont do things like that.
if possible i will always try to even move flies out of the house, by opening a window or so and let these out, as kid i would just waste them, now i try to save them.
Shadowstalker16: Scorpions are chill. They go free. But they don't invade houses so there's that.
Luned: Oh, yes they do! They invade my house in the spring and fall. Usually we find them in the drains, except the time I found one by getting stung. (It had crawled into the folded towel. I went to dry off and had a Forrest Gump experience. Luckily, we only have small, weak-venomed scorpions in my area.)
Guess they don't live in my area then. Getting stung by one will shake anyone up I imagine (I'll be scared). But scorpions don't run around and crawl over you. So they're still not as bad as big-ass spiders that move around constantly.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: all the more reason to NOT worry.
tinyE: Unless the spider is gay or transgender of course, then you smash them, right Bradley? :P
Count the legs. Always count the legs. Nature keeps its own bean counters.
i used to kill spiders on first glance.

After a terrible spider bite i got while i was in the army, i kill em on a fraction of a glance.

Fucking spiders
Yes as they eat other insects. I kind of like spiders, they move interestingly and are good hunters (like cats).

Except for some weird ass red spider with really long legs and ridiculously small body. I've never seen them move because apparently they like to teleport. Granted, because of its rarity and speed I'll just use something to scare it away as hopefully it will eat other insects too.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Spider is not a bug, but an arthropod. Its main job is to construct traps (spider nest) for bugs and pests and catch them up. Spiders are one of the natural pest control systems of nature. I generally avoid killing or ousting them. Besides, me myself, i am no stranger to convenience relationships for my own benefits, he he... No spider locally is poisonous either, so all the more reason to NOT worry. Less disgusting flies buzzing in my ear when i am half asleep, or mosquitoes biting my soft spots, for me then! At the cost of tolerating just a few of those spiders!

From the members of the spiders family though, i cannot stand ticks. When i see one of those faqers i kill it off in the most creative and imaginative ways ever, mostly with fire.

Spiders also have an ancient Greek myth. Once, Arachne was a very talented seamstress, proud for her works and even boasted she had more worth than gods themselves! The gods cursed her to become a spider and for her work and labor to be constantly destroyed by humans and despised by them, as a punishment for her arrogance, even though her weaving was adored when she had been a human.
Does burning down your house and then planting a mine field around its ashes count?
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Spider is not a bug, but an arthropod.
True, but bugs (insects) are arthropods too. Spiders are arachnids.
gamesfreak64: I dont use these to scare any one, or any relative cause thats a little bit childish to do, regardless of what age a person is, you dont do things like that. do realize I was joking, right?
Post edited April 15, 2016 by zeogold
What if this was the spider?
spider.jpg (66 Kb)
tinyE: What if this was the spider?
See my first post in this thread.
Anybody who dresses that tacky has got to be dangerous.
Post edited April 15, 2016 by zeogold
I once had a spider living in my bathroom. I called him Boris. He was there for some time, dunno what happened to him.