Randalator: Of course I would rescue it. They're quite useful, you know....
zeogold: You say that with an ever-so-faint tone of "I'm going to put this in my sister's hair on the first chance that I get".
those skinny longleg spiders, if possible i will try to get it out the water, i rescued some flies lying on their back in water after heavy rainfall, many times, even saved a bee, not the wasps with the jailbird outfit, these guys sting, but the fuzzy wooly big ones (they sting aswell but i seems these feel like being stinged by 7 mosquitos so they say its less painfull)
I dont use these to scare any one, or any relative cause thats a little bit childish to do, regardless of what age a person is, you dont do things like that.
if possible i will always try to even move flies out of the house, by opening a window or so and let these out, as kid i would just waste them, now i try to save them.