We don't have proof; like hard numbers. But, we have *indications*. Hopeful ones, hopeless ones. What i noticed:
GOG changed model, alright. It sold off some key principles of the past, such as the "1$ =/= 1E" (like older youtube videos clearly show)... Yet, they tried to compensate people (like with free wallet funds).
Yes, they made a client, where and when like half users here, don't even want any, or anything to do with it... Yes, they even shove it down in us, with installers already including it (and not all have the choice to come Galaxy-clean, at least yet)... BUT, its features are optional; at least, for the time being. At Steam, you are forced to have always on, features like game time tracking, cloud saves, automatic updates, stuff like that... In a lot of cases, this harms your games and rights, like the GTA soundtrack removal and the widescreen compatibility removal, before. Here, some options and ticks later, rid yourself of such annoyances, ensuring that your games remain in the exact same state, in which you purchased them!
Profiles are nasty, too... But they now can be hidden.
The real problem, is that some people get irritated, the more GOG tries to "emulate" Steam... Because, they don't like steam, what it stands for, what it does with its own place there. Some waves of few peasants, out of the blue, randomly invade forums here one day and start nagging, about "my key was for gog but i want steam", "games not having achievements", "no client and social cr@p being here", "no modern games and AAAs coming here", etc... Then POOF, few time later, gog stops getting old games, mimics steam features more frantically and leaves old fans wondering "just what the hell hit them"?
Although, truth be said, support is always helpful, fast to respond and reliable, much unlike Steam's. Games are still DRM Free. And game support is great, unlike Steam, in which older games never get tweaks and fixes; especially for compatibility with modern systems!
I also worry something awful about the direction things are going and the OP's quoting of other talks, do seem to have some basis. I mean, a place selling Good OLD Games, doesn't even have something that hackers or pirates would want, like Good OLD Games! The best old games aren't even here yet (Diablo, Warcraft, C&C, GTA, etc), with a good chance they will never be, random oldies aren't even mentioned or talked about, not even wishlists get updated with status (completed, in progress, etc) and worst of all? Even INDIES developers, refuse to contact GOG for partnership and instead, choose Steam and choose Steam, EXCLUSIVELY. Examples: Bloodstained spin-off game, CelesSteel.
THIS, does worry me. And somewhat proves, some key points, analyzed by OP. We had always been second class citizens, but the very instant GOG started becoming a poor man's Steam, we became third class citizens, instead, sad as is.
Post edited May 16, 2018 by KiNgBrAdLeY7