Enebias: Well, in Australia it might be a standard for cold! :P
Here in italy we don't know real cold, we very rarely fall below 0 (unless the town is high in the Alps).
I went to Berlin when there were -20°C. Mein Gott.
Right now we are having an awful wave of heat, with temperatures of 30-35° with a very high humidity rate -that's the worst part, the temperature feels 10 degrees higher.
Last year around this time I was in rome and there were 42°C. The wind felt like an atomic burning current.
Our Summers can hit 40 plus and on the Eastern Coast it is normal for 100% humidity.So,indoor sports with the air con blasting away.
nightcraw1er.488: Sweltering here, 25+, no rain for months. Ground is like concrete it's so dry. Expect major flooding the moment we do see any rain.
So what do you do at the moment then? Watch home and away and remember the good old days of being able to run down to a sunny beach and get eaten by a shark (no stereotypes intended :op )
H&A,are you kidding? This is B&B household:)